Why You're Reading This Document


No, we aren't capable of reading your mind. However, in our 25 years providing software based on the proven RSMS technology every customer has said pretty much the same thing to us:

"Our road network is in awful shape and we're going to need a bunch of money to fix it. We purchased RSMS because we've heard it is the easiest, fastest, and least expensive way to develop a credible, professional road plan to make our case why we need funding."

True indeed! RSMS has helped hundreds of municipalities raise significant funding to fix their road network. Our record to date is $23M in a single town!

OK, RSMS technology is in fact a well-proven fund-raising tool with a 25 year track record of success. But first we must ask a troubling question: How did your network get in this condition such that you need a big injection of funding to fix it? Well, someone (most likely your predecessor) did not observe the principle documented in the next section.

Keep Your Good Roads Good!!!


The chart below illustrates the life cycle of a road. It starts its life smooth and black, but inevitably begins to deteriorate, based on various include condition of the base, quality of drainage, traffic volume, and gross vehicle weight.

There is a "double whammy" in this curve. As a road ages the rate at which it deteriorates becomes faster and faster until the road--if no maintenance is performed--reaches the end of its useful life and needs to be rebuilt. Further, repairs costs also increase in a non-linear fashion. A road in the Routine maintenance category at the 5-7 year mark may only need $5K/mi. of crack sealing, but if those cracks are not addressed water will be allowed to enter the road base and the road's condition will slide down that slippery slope to the point where it will need $300K to $700K as it nears the bottom.